
"a spirit of thrift"

[Here I am with my cousin Mason. Oh, how I would love to know what I was thinking in that moment! :)]

"I wish I'd known from the beginning that I was born a strong woman. What a difference it would have made! I wish I'd known that I was born a courageous woman; I've spent so much of my life cowering. How many conversations would I not only started but finished if I'd known I possessed a warrior's heart? I wish I'd known that I'd been born to take on the world; I wouldn't have run from it for so long, but run to it with open arms." ~ Sarah Ban Breathnach in her book "Something More: Excavating Your Authentic Self"

Yesterday I read two things that were still at the front of my mind this morning. The above was one of them.
The second-jotted down from a friend's copy of Selvedge magazine. Just a few words from the article on Lucy Boston's home. (Lucy, who had her first book published at age 60 (!) was the author of the Greene Knowe children's books, of which we have read only the first.) In the article was a description of Lucy's decorating style. I love the phrasing---" a spirit of thrift, of make do and mend....haphazardly bohemian." I've always prided myself on the same spirit as this. I thought about those words this morning as I cut pieces of some new thrift store fabric to sew into a curtain. Much more fun, most times, than just going and buying something new, don't you think? Also found at the thrift store the other day, my first trip in a long while, was a 48 inch Friendly children's tapestry loom. I stood with the ticket for a while, debating spending the twenty bucks. At the time I had no idea how much they cost brand new. In the end, I decided to buy the loom because of the lovely visions passing through my mind of Olivia and I weaving side by side. Turns out it was a great purchase. Olivia was thrilled, planning scarfs and dog collars and belts. As we progress with the loom, we will share pictures. Any of you have any experience with a loom? We have a great book on weaving so I think we will start there.

After a make up dance class this afternoon, (the kids are actively preparing for the Alice in Wonderland ballet at the Jefferson Center next month) I plan on getting the bookplate shop ready to open in the morning. Hopefully sprinkle a bit of yard work and a walk in there somewhere. What lovely, lovely things are you up to this Sunday?


Amy said...

love the thoughts in this post. I adore your book plates. You have such a knack for art. I enjoy stopping in for a visit always!

Tiffany Trent said...

Oh, I love that quote! Definitely needed to hear that today. And what a darling pic--I would like to know what little Tricia was thinking, too. ;)

Yay for so much fun stuff! Must chat more w/you soon and plan when we can visit in May!

Love you,