Yesterday morning the three of us started making personal vision boards. At two-ish, Kelly had to leave to set up for his New Year's Eve gig an hour away but Olivia and I continued, snipping and arranging and pasting our cut-out wishes and goals on 18x24 inch sheets of watercolor paper. We worked for hours until somewhere around seven o'clock when we declared them finished. Images were gleaned from old magazines and catalogs and we drew a few things here and there when we couldn't find what we needed. My sweetie was enthusiastic and tireless and I was such a proud mama when she shared the images she chose and explained their meanings. The whole process: the thinking about what I want for my future, the choosing of the picture to represent it, and the act of seeing it all before me, resonated more strongly in my heart than a list of resolutions I close up in a notebook and put away. "Thoughts create things." I believe this and it makes me happy to know my thoughts will go to good places when I look at the vision board. Here are a few close-up images (it feels too personal to share my whole board though Olivia has kindly given me permission to share hers.) :
"New Year's eve is like every other night; there is no pause in the march of the universe, no breathless moment of silence among created things that the passage of another twelve months may be noted; and yet no man has quite the same thoughts this evening that come with the coming of darkness on other nights." ~Hamilton Wright Mabie
[a big thank you to Lisa for the quote]
Oh I love these images and that you all did your vision boards together! Great idea doing them on big pieces of watercolor paper. I may do that tomorrow. Olivia's vision board is so wonderful. I love your images and can imagine how beautiful your entire vision board...not to mention the Ahhhh, I am so grateful for the new visions dancing in my head for 2012 and the new Spirit that has been breathed into them and me. So grateful for our friendship, too. Much love, Lisa
Magical....amazing. Thanks for sharing this! Best to you all for 2012! Love, Love!
You spend your time in such valuable ways, Tricia and Olivia! I agree that our thoughts become what is real, and when you name them and visualize them you are telling the Universe what you affirm. Thanks for being a reminder to me and all who enjoy your blog. It is a powerfully positive act. Lots of Love on this first day of the brand new delicious, wide open New year!
What a wonderful idea to bring your feelings and dreams to life, images can be powerful. Thank you and Olivia both for sharing such an intimate thing with us.
Love these images and vision boards!
Just made my first this January, too!
Wanted to thank you also for your article in Artful Blogging. I could really identify with you writing that you spend a lot of time thinking about blogging. :) It is a part of my creative process and life now, too. Your photography is exquisite and inspiring!
Wishing you all the best,
Mixed-Media Map Art
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